

Choosing the right education for your child is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. Our school offers a unique educational experience that forms each student as a person of integrity, compassion, faith and wisdom. St Laurence’s Primary works closely with our local parish to enhance students' capacity to make sense of their world, make judgements, and recognise the uniqueness of others within a faith community.

Our school has a commitment to focussing on each individual student’s ability, offering a unique array of educational, creative, sporting and formation opportunities for students.

The current enrolment at our school is approximately 210 students. Some families may feel that the financial costs to school may be too great. We wish to emphasise that our school will work with families to make Catholic schooling available to those who genuinely desire it.


Enrolment application packages for Kindergarten are available from this website (see link below) or the school office from March through to May of the year prior to starting school. Forms in this package need to be completed and returned by the end of May.

An important part of the enrolment process is an interview between prospective parents, the child and the Principal or Assistant Principal. The child will complete a screening assessment with the Support Teacher. This screening helps us ascertain the child's readiness to begin school.

In the case of excessive applications, enrolment offers will be based on the Diocesan Enrolment Policy and in consultation with the Principals from the three other Dubbo Catholic Primary Schools.

Years 1 - 6

The enrolment application package for other years may be obtained any time. An important part of the enrolment process is an interview between prospective parents, the child and the Principal or Assistant Principal, which will occur once the enrolment forms have been submitted.